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Anita Pratap

Anita Pratap is the Administrative Assistant for the Operations Department, providing support throughout the organization.

AnitaPratap_ProdCatCardAnita Pratap is the Administrative Assistant for the Operations Department, providing support throughout the organization. Anita has worked in the private and public sectors for over 19 years overseeing general office duties, including accounting, payroll, analysis, human resources, recruiting, training and logistics.

Anita is a strong believer in the power of positive thinking: “Who we are and what we become starts with just a simple thought.”

Anita is deeply connected with nature and grew up on a farm in Fiji where resources were limited. The community ate and lived off the land. It was a simple lifestyle yet the people were very healthy and happy. Anita believes homemade and healthy cooking supports healthy communities and cultures, and she has implemented this same belief in her children and family. She also believes physical activity, mindful eating habits and a well-balanced diet that includes meat, fish, nuts, milk and dairy foods and fresh fruits and vegetables is the way to go. 

Anita is proud to be a part of an organization like Dairy Council of California that educates and empowers people to have lifelong healthy eating habits. In her spare time, Anita also enjoys donating to food banks and helping the needy along with her husband and two children.