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Jammie Lam

Jammie is a Project Manager in Nutrition Education building long-term partnerships with educators, leaders and school foodservice professionals.

Meet staff member, Jammie Lam.Jammie Lam is a Project Manager in Nutrition Education. She believes in collaborating and building long-term partnerships with educators, leaders and school foodservice professionals to elevate the health of children and families. Jammie is dedicated to ensuring that nutrition education and healthy foods are accessible and equitable to all by working with school districts, local organizations and state departments to provide resources, trainings and expertise. Jammie is a member of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Workgroup and California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative's Food Access Domain.

Her experience with diverse communities—first as a volunteer at the Food Literacy Center in California and then as a nutrition educator at Foodlink, a food bank in upstate New York—guides Jammie's belief that food is a universal language that brings people together. She weaves her love of community and food into the work she does, successfully using nutrition education as a means to empower families to eat well and therefore be well.

Jammie earned a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition sciences from the University of California, Davis where she developed her passion for community nutrition and public health.

Jammie can be reached at jlam@healthyeating.org.


Food tells a story of time, place and people while nourishing the soul.